topic: John Hagee |
The lyrics in "Blow The Trumpet in Zion", sung at nearly ever Christians United For Israel event, come from the 2nd Book of Joe, below:
Joel 2 (New King James Version)Joel 2
1 Blow the trumpet in Zion,
And sound an alarm in My holy mountain!
Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble;
For the day of the LORD is coming,
For it is at hand:2 A day of darkness and gloominess,
A day of clouds and thick darkness,
Like the morning clouds spread over the mountains.
A people come, great and strong,
The like of whom has never been;
Nor will there ever be any such after them,
Even for many successive generations.3 A fire devours before them,
And behind them a flame burns;
The land is like the Garden of Eden before them,
And behind them a desolate wilderness;
Surely nothing shall escape them.4 Their appearance is like the appearance of horses;
And like swift steeds, so they run.5 With a noise like chariots
Over mountaintops they leap,
Like the noise of a flaming fire that devours the stubble,
Like a strong people set in battle array.6 Before them the people writhe in pain;
All faces are drained of color.7 They run like mighty men,
They climb the wall like men of war;
Every one marches in formation,
And they do not break ranks.8 They do not push one another;
Every one marches in his own column.
Though they lunge between the weapons,
They are not cut down.9 They run to and fro in the city,
They run on the wall;
They climb into the houses,
They enter at the windows like a thief.10 The earth quakes before them,
The heavens tremble;
The sun and moon grow dark,
And the stars diminish their brightness.11 The LORD gives voice before His army,
For His camp is very great;
For strong is the One who executes His word.
For the day of the LORD is great and very terrible;
Who can endure it?
In the YouTube video excerpt below, from the Christians United For Israel "Night To Honor Israel" event July 2007, members of John Hagee's San Antonio Cornerstone Church sing "Blow The Trumpet In Zion" :
IN his 1997 "Prophecy Study Bible" [Thomas Nelson, Inc. 1997] Pastor John Hagee explains his understanding of those verses (2nd Book of Joel, chapter 1, verses 2-11) :
"Joe uses the terrible locust plague that has recently occured to illustrate the coming day of judgment when God will directly intervene in human history to vindicate his righteousness. This will be a time of unparalleled retribution upon Israel (2:1-11) and the whole nation (3:1-17) but this time will culminate in great blessing and salvation for those who trust in the Lord...
It is a time of awesome judgment upon people and nations that have rebelled against God...
The land will be invaded by a swarming army; like locusts, they will be speedy and voracious. The desolation caused by this great army will be dreadful...
Joel ends with the kingdom blessings upon the remnant of faithful Judah." [John Hagee, John Hagee Prophecy Study Bible, pages 1026-1028, emphasis mine]
McCain-Backer John Hagee lies, to Jewish Bloggers, On His Motives For Supporting Israel:
On January 24, 2007 Christians United For Israel founder, Pastor John Hagee (CUFI), participated in a conference call with Jewish-American bloggers. The intent of the call was to familiarize the bloggers with CUFI and to assure them that CUFI's motives were benign. The following video showcases evidence demonstrating Hagee's motives were far from benign:
McCain-backer Hagee's 'Thrilling' Worldview: Rapture, Then "Holocaust"
(Bruce Wilson)McCain Courted Hagee for at Least a Year (Frederick Clarkson)
What Secret "Other Matters" Did McCain Discuss With "Apocalypse Now" Hagee ? (Bruce Wilson)
McCain Reneges on Pledge To Never Seek anti-Catholic Support (Bruce Wilson)
Hagee Acknowledges McCain Sought His Endorsement (Bruce Wilson)
McCain Backer Hagee Showcases 'Islamic Terrorist' Implicated as Possible Fraud (Bruce Wilson)
McCain Backer Hagee Envisioned "Worse Than Auschwitz" For Israeli Jews (Bruce Wilson)
McCain Was After Hagee Like a Dog In Heat (Bruce Wilson)
AIPAC Event Helps Mainstream Allegations Of "Satanic Liberal Jewish Conspiracy" (Bruce Wilson - story details full extent of Hagee's ideological extremity)
Boldly Backwards To The 16th Century: McCain For President (Bruce Wilson)
Senior McCain Advisor: Religious Right is a "Serious Problem" (Frederick Clarkson)
On Bennett Show, McCain Waffles Over Hagee Hate Speech (Bruce Wilson)
Bomb, Bombs Away! - Did Fox's Britt Hume Just Imply McCain Has Early Alzheimer's ? (Bruce Wilson)
Navy Friend, Colleague of Admiral Says Senator McCain's Father Would Be Rolling Over In The GraveDoD Funded Research Suggests McCain's "Faith Based" Approach Would Increase Terrorism
Symbolic Terrorism Revisited: Hagee's CUFI 'Wipes' Islam's 3rd Holiest Site From Logo"
"Pro Israel" Christian Leader Blames Jews For The Holocaust
"Be Jewish In Five Easy Days", The Twelve Tribes Of Hagee
AIPAC Event Helps Mainstream Allegations Of "Satanic Liberal Jewish Conspiracy"
Holocaust For Zion : CUFI's Christian Zionism Made Simple
GOP House Minority Whip Roy Blunt To Help Nuclear War Advocate
What Secret "Other Matters" Did McCain Discuss With "Apocalypse Now" Hagee ?
Dick Armey Denies Bush Administration Trying To Provoke "End Times"
AIPAC Cheers an Anti-Semitic Holocaust Revisionist (and Abe Foxman Approves) (Max Blumenthal)
The Goy Who Cried Wolf: The Israel lobby gives America's leading Christian right warmonger a warm welcome (Sara Posner)
Israel, the US, and the Christian Right: The Menage a Trois From Hell (Max Blumenthal)
Holy Warriors Set Sights on Iran (Bill Berkowitz)
Christian Zionism all juiced up (Esther Kaplan)
Armey: Bush Believes in Tribulation, but not Trying to Make it Happen (Richard Bartholomew)
Lobbying For Armageddon (Sara Posner)
"As Bush's War Strategy Shifts to Iran, Christian Zionists Gear Up for the Apocalypse" (Sara Posner)
Pastor Strangelove (Sara Posner)
"Apocalyptic preacher John Hagee says McCain is 'on target'" (Sara Posner)
Original here
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