In an hour and a half of debate, both Senator Joe Biden and Governor Sarah Palin claimed there were “fundamental” differences between themselves and their respective presidential tickets. But above all, one primary disparity between the two stood out: the former was about substance, the latter was not.
From the very beginning, Palin countered the Delaware Senator’s substantive points with the same kind of tactics utilized by beauty pageant competitors everywhere- winks, smiles, “darn rights,” “don’t ya knows,” and “heck of a lottas”. She stepped out onto the stage and kicked off her performance with a cheap parlor trick, leaving her microphone on while she made a cute comment: “Hey, can I call ya Joe?” And it’s no wonder she resorts to that kind of approach. It’s the same thing that made her a successful pageant girl herself back in the 1980s.
In contrast, Biden fired back with numbers, historical references, and relevant comments that went to the heart of moderator Gwen Ifill’s questions. His presentation was informative. He came across as a guy who was confident enough in the facts and figures that he brought to the table. Compare that to Palin, who cloaked half answers and two-bit policies with defense mechanisms that more closely resembled the stereotypical sleezeball politician with the perfect smile, meticulously manicured hair, and impeccable business suit. The only difference is that this time, the politician was a woman.
Sarah Palin demonstrated her purpose on the Republican ticket last night perhaps more than she has in the five weeks since she was chosen as McCain’s running mate: in short, she’s a feel good story. She’s heavy on folksy euphemisms and lame jokes. But that’s not enough anymore. George Bush loved to tell heart-warming stories and crowd-pleasing jokes, but even he laid out some semblance of prospective policy and concrete planning when he was running. And if eight years later, we can look back and realize that the feel good stories simply weren’t enough, you can be sure that Sarah Palin falls far short of what the “Joe-Six-Pack” really needs: the resources to fill his gas tank, to keep the lights on in his home, and to keep his family fed, sheltered, educated, and covered with health care if they get sick or injured.
The simple fact is that debates are never about winning or losing. Depending on whom you ask, the most lopsided debate will look like a stunning victory by partisans on either side. Debates are about highlighting differences between candidates and letting voters choose for themselves. And last night’s showdown delivered in that regard. But unfortunately for Palin, American voters tend to apply a little more than beauty pageant judges.