It is bookmark time and forwarding the LINK time. All 50 States of the Union, Voter Registration Information Here. NO EXCUSES.
A few things, you must be a U.S. citizen, resident of the state you are voting in, at least 18 years old by November 4, 2008, and sign your form. Changing or registering for the first time and mailing in your application, make sure you bring I.D. to the polls.
Voting Absentee for military or citizens living outside of the U.S., information at Vote from Abroad or Overseas Vote Foundation.
Domestic absentee voters, ones that are not traveling overseas, can get more information from Long Distance Voter.
Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Wisconsin and Wyoming has same day registration and voting.
Most on-line registration, STILL, requires you to download the form, sign and mail it in.
National registration form is here. This form is applicable for all 50 states, remember you must show valid identification for first time voters. In Spanish, here.
Felon Voting Information, per state, here and ACLU.
Election Protection Hotline: 1-866-OUR-VOTE; (

Lastly, the Obama Campaign has a voter registration tool on their website, here. Since the date is upon us to to register to vote, this tool allows you to register to vote, find out if you are already registered, get absentee ballot information and to give information where to go vote on election day. Again, another tool to get folks registered to vote. Please pass this link along. We need every vote to win on election day.
Digg It!!!
Deadline for registering to vote is Friday, October 24, 2008.
Voter registration form is here. Request a form to be mailed you, here.
All forms should be sent to your county board of registrars, the list is here.
Absentee Ballot download, here. Information on absentee ballots, here.
Contact Information:
Alabama Secretary of State

Deadline for voter registration is Sunday, October 5, 2008. (must be post marked by October 4, 2008)
Print out the application here.
Read all the information, here.
You can mail, fax of hand-deliver your completed application (and if mailing along with proof of residency) to you local elections office, here.
Early Voting/Absentee in person October 20, 2008. Here is the location for early voting.
Contact Information:
Division of Elections
Deadline for registering to vote is October 6, 2008.
Register online, by ez voters registration here
Print voter registration form in English or Spanish, here. Information of where to mail your voter registration form is at the bottom of the form.
Early ballots or Absentee ballots request must be submitted by October 24, 2008. Click here, for your county to request an early voting ballot. Early voting begins October 2, 2008.
Contact Information:
Arizona Secretary of State

(602) 542-8683
Voter registration ends October 6, 2008.
Early voting begins, October 20-November 3rd. Contact your county office to find out where your early voting location is.
Arkansas Voter Registration Form, download here, and in Spanish here.
Other information and to register in person, here.
Contact Information:
Arkansas Secretary of State

All voter registration forms must be postmarked by October 20, 2008.
Print out a voter registration form in English or Spanish, here.
Request a voter registration form in English here, Spanish here.
Additional information here.
Vote by Mail is for registered voters and must be requested seven days prior to the election. Application for vote by mail, here. All the information for vote by mail is here.
Anyone can vote early in California. Contact your county elections office for the dates, addresses and phone numbers, here.
Contact Information:
California Secretary of State

(916) 657-2166
English: 1-800-345-VOTE



Spanish: 1-800-232-VOTA


Deadline for Colorado voter registration is Monday, October 6, 2008.
Voter Registration form, here and in Spanish, here.
Mail in ballot request must be received by October 28, 2008. All information and form is here and in Spanish, here. Addresses to mail in the form is above under voter registration form.
Additional information, here.
Early voting is permitted at the local election office and at other designated locations. No excuse is needed. Contact your county office, here. Early voting is October 20-October 31st, in person, and by mail/absentee deadline is November 3rd.
Contact Information:
Colorado Secretary of State
Deadline to register to vote is Tuesday, October 21, 2008.
Print out the voter registration form in English, here. In Spanish, here.
Print out a request for an Absentee Ballot form, here. In Spanish, here. Absentee ballot requests must be turned in 31 days before the election. Absentee ballot information, here.
Mail your voter registration form and absentee ballot request to your county registrar's office.
Additional information, here.
Contact Information:
State of Connecticut Secretary of State

Deadline for voter registration is Saturday, October 11, 2008.
Register to vote online, here.
Additional information, here.
Absentee voting information, here. In office absentee voting ends, November 3rd.
Contact Information:
Commissioner of Elections for the State of Delaware
Deadline for voter registration, Monday, October 6, 2008.
Print out for voter registration application, here. In Spanish, here.
Questions on filling out the voter registration form, here.
Absentee ballots must be received by 5 p.m. on the 6th day before an election. Information on requesting an absentee ballot by mail or phone, here.
Early voting is October 20-November 1st. More information on early voting is here. Phone number: 

Contact Information:
Florida Division of Elections

Deadline for voters registration is Monday, October 6, 2008.
Voter registration application, here.
Absentee Ballot information, here.
Advanced Voting (Early Voting) information, here. Any registered voter can request a mail-in ballot. Contact your county election office, here. Window for advanced (early voting) is October 27th-October 31st(in person) and up until election day, November 4th for absentee voting.
Contact Information:
Georgia Secretary of State

Deadline for voters registration is Monday, October 6, 2008.
Print out voter registration from and information, here.
Information for vote by mail/absentee ballot, here.
Early voting is October 21-November 1, 2008. Early voting sites and times to vote, here. Information is here.
Contact Information:
Office of Elections
(808) 453-VOTE (8683)
No deadline, voters can register at polls and vote.
Idaho voter registration form, here.
Absentee Ballot request information, here.
Additional information, here.
Contact Information:
Idaho Secretary of State

(208) 334-2852
Deadline to register to vote is Tuesday, October 7, 2008.
Print out the voters registration application, here. In Spanish, here. Mailing address to the county clerk's office, here.
Absentee ballots accepted by mail, 5 days prior to the election and in person, 1 day prior. Absentee ballot information, here.
Illinois is an early voting state. Early voting starts October 13, 2008 and ends October 30, 2008.
Early voting information is here.
Contact Information:
Illinois State Board of Elections


Deadline for registering to vote is Monday, October 6, 2008.
Voter registration application, here. In Spanish, here.
Absentee ballot information, here. Deadline for absentee ballot by mail, October 27, 2008. Print out application for absentee ballot by mail, here. In Spanish, here. Other Absentee Ballot information, here.
Anyone can vote early in Indiana. The window is October 6-November 3rd, in person at your county election board office. The office location and contact numbers are at the end of this document, here.
Contact Information:
Indiana Secretary of State
Deadline for registering to vote is Friday, October 24, 2008.
Iowans can register to vote on Election Day at their polling place/precinct. Proper ID and proof of residency is required.
Application for Iowa voter registration form, here.
Application for Absentee Ballot, here.
Additional information for voting and absentee ballot voting, here.
Contact Information:
Iowa Secretary of State

Deadline for registering to vote is Monday, October 20, 2008.
Voter registration on-line application and instructions, here. In Spanish, here. Fill out the application on line, print out and mail to your county office, all information included.
Additional information, here.
Advanced voting is for any registered voter. Here is the application to vote by mail or in person. Ballot must be received in person or by mail by close of polls on election day. More information, here.
Contact Information:
Kansas Secretary of State

(785) 296-4561
Deadline for registering to vote is Monday, October 6, 2008.
Voter registration application, here. When completed, mail to your county clerk office, here.
Absentee ballots can only be obtained through the county clerk’s office. You may request an application for an absentee ballot through your county clerk’s office in person, by phone, by mail or by fax. Also, the voter’s spouse, parent or child can request an application for a mail-in absentee ballot. List of clerk offices and phone numbers, here. Additional information, here.
Contact Information:
State Board of Elections

Deadline for registering to vote is Monday, October 6, 2008.
Voter registration application, here. Additional information on requirements, here.
Absentee ballot form, here. Ballot needs to be recieved the day of election. Information, here.
Louisiana is an early voting state. Early voting starts Tuesday, October 21, 2008 and ends on October 28, 2008. Voters can vote at their registrar's office, list here. Additional information, here.
Contact Information:
Louisiana Secretary of State

Is there a deadline for registering?
No. It's never too late to register to vote in Maine. You can register to vote until, and including, Election Day. There is no cut-off date for registering to vote in person at your town office or city hall. If you want to register to vote by mail, the cut-off date is the close of business on the 21st day before the election. That date is October 14, 2008 for the General Election.
On-line absentee ballot request, here. Absentee ballot information, here.
Contact Information:
Bureau of Corporations, Elections & Commissions

Deadline for registering to vote is Tuesday, October 14, 2008.
Voter registration application, here. Additional information, here.
Absentee ballot request, here. You must be registered already, to receive an absentee ballot. The ballot must be received by October 28, 2008, 4:30 p.m. More information on absentee ballot, here.
No early voting in Maryland.
Contact Information:
Maryland State Board of Elections


Deadline for registering to vote is Wednesday, October 15, 2008.
Printable voter registration form, here. Or call to request a form at 

or 800-462-VOTE. Identification required for first time voters. Additional information, here. Voter registration forms can be requested by email at elections@sec.state.ma.us
Absentee ballot form, here. In Spanish, here. Information on the requirements for absentee ballot, here.
Contact Information:
Elections Division
1-800-462-VOTE (8683)
Deadline for registering to vote is Monday, October 6, 2008.
Voter registration form is here.
Absentee voter registration form, here.
Voter identification requirement in Michigan.
Additional information on voting in Michigan, here.
Contact Information:
Michigan Secretary of State
(888) SOS-MICH; 

(888) 767-6424
Same day registration at the polls to vote.
Register to vote, here. Cut off for pre-registering is Tuesday, October 14, 2008. Other than that, you must register at your polling place on election day. Voting application for Hmong, Russian, Somali, Spanish and Vietnamese, here.
Absentee ballot and information, here.
Contact Information:
Minnesota Secretary of State

1-877-600-VOTE (8683)
Deadline for registering to vote is Monday, October 6, 2008.
Printable voter registration form, here. County registars offices, here.
For absentee ballots, contact the county voter registrars.
More information, here.
Mississippi voter information, here.
Contact Information:
Mississippi Secretary of State

Deadline for registering to vote is Wednesday, October 8, 2008.
Voter registration form, here. Requesting a form sent to you, here.
Absentee ballot form, here.
Local election authority contact information, here. Information on the guidelines of Missouri absentee ballot, here.
Additional voter registration information, here.
Contact Information:
Missouri Secretary of State
(800) NOW VOTE
Deadline for registering to vote is Monday, October 6, 2008.
Voter registration form, here. Mail the form or drop it off, here. Additional information and guidelines, here.
Absentee ballot form, here. Information on absentee ballots and where to mail the ballot, here.
The only early voting is absentee ballot. You may start voting 30 days before election day.
Contact Information:
Montana Secretary of State

(406) 444-2034
Deadline for registering to vote is Friday, October 24, 2008.
Voter registration form, here. In Spanish, here. If mailing must be post marked by October 17, 2008.
Application for early voter ballot, here. In Spanish, here. Address where to mail the form is above, click on the voter registration form.
Information on voting and early voting request, here.
Contact Information:
Nebraska Secretary of State

(402) 471-2555
Deadline for registering to vote is Tuesday, October 4, 2008, by mail; October 14, 2008 in-person at the registrar office.
Voter registration application, here. Mail the application to your county registrar office, here.
Absentee ballot is for registered voters, only. Request a form, from your county registrar by calling here. For Clark County residents, absentee ballot form here. Full instructions for Clark County absentee voting, here.
Early voting in Nevada is October 18th – Friday, October 31st. All the information, per county and where to go is here.
Contact Information:
Nevada Secretary of State

New Hampshire
Same day, registration and voting for election day.
There is no minimum period of time you are required to have lived in the state before being allowed to register. You may register as soon as you move into your new community.
All information on voting in New Hampshire, including absentee voting, college students is here.
October 25, 2008: Last day to register to vote until the General Election.
If you meet the state's voter requirements and qualifications and are unable to register in person because of physical disability, religious beliefs, military service, or because of temporary absence, you may register by mail. You should request an absentee voter registration affidavit and a standard voter registration form from your town/city clerk. The absentee voter registration affidavit must be witnessed and then both the affidavit and the voter registration form are to be returned to your town/city clerk.
Contact Information:
New Hampshire Secretary of State

New Jersey
Deadline for registering to vote is Tuesday, October 14, 2008.
Voter registration application, here. In Spanish, here. Other languages, here. More information, here.
Absentee voting ballot, here. In Spanish, here. Information and guidelines to voting absentee, here.
Contact Information:
Division of Elections

New Mexico
Deadline for registering to vote is Tuesday, October 7, 2008.
Voter registration form, here.
Absentee voting form, here. Address to mail form, here.
Additional information for voting in New Mexico, here.
Early voting is October 18 through November 1st. Contact your county office for information and location of where to early vote. Additional information for early voting here.
Contact Information:
New Mexico Secretary of State
505.827.3600 or 800.477.3632
New York
Deadline for registering to vote is Friday, October 10, 2008.
Voter registration printable form, here. In Spanish, here.
Voter registration on-line form, here. Fill out the form on-line, click in the box to choose your county and print out. In Spanish, here.
Absentee ballot form, here. Mail your form to your county election office, here.
Information for voting in New York, here.
Contact Information:
New York State Board of Elections
Voter Information: 


(518) 474-6220
North Carolina
Deadline for registering to vote is Friday, October 10, 2008.
Register to vote information is here and here.
Board of Elections, per county, address and phone numbers are here. If you missed the deadline to register, you can through "one-stop sites", information below.
Early Voting in North Carolina is called "One-Stop Sites". Dates for one stop sites voting is October 16-November 1st. This allows voters to register and vote at the same time. Persons already registered to vote, can vote at these sites as well. Addresses and times for early voting locations, here.
Absentee voting information is here.
More information is available, here.
Contact Information:
North Carolina State Board of Elections

North Dakota
Welcome to the only state that does not have voter registration.
In order to vote in North Dakota, you must be:
A U.S. citizen.
At least 18 years old on the day of an election.
A legal North Dakota resident.
A resident in the precinct for 30 days preceding the election.
Remember, for the purposes of voting, a person may have only one residence, shown by an actual fixed permanent dwelling, or any other abode. Residency in North Dakota is defined in North Dakota Century Code, Section 54-01-26 which states:
Every person has in law a residence. In determining the place of residence, the following rules must be observed:
It is the place where one remains when not called elsewhere for labor or other special or temporary purpose, and to which he or she returns in seasons of repose.
There can be only one residence.
A residence cannot be lost until another is gained
The residence can be changed only by the union of act and intent.
Voter Registration, History and Background, here.
Contact Information:
Secretary of State, North Dakota

Deadline for registering to vote is Monday, October 6, 2008.
On-Line voter registration form, here. Mail form to your county election board, addresses and phone numbers here.
Request a voter registration form to be sent to you, here.
Absentee ballot form, here. Instructions on requesting an absentee ballot in Ohio, here.
May a college student register and vote from his or her school address in Ohio?
Yes, a student may vote using his or her Ohio school residence address. However, the student may not also vote an absentee ballot where he or she last lived (e.g. with one or more parent or guardian). When a college student votes from his or her school address, the school residence is considered to be the place to which the student's habitation is fixed and to which, whenever the student is absent, the student intends to return, and is considered by the student to be his or her permanent residence at the time of voting.
One-Stop-Shop Early Voting, Sept. 30 to Oct. 6th. Information, tentative here. Specifics are being finalized, this will be a big push for the Obama Campaign to organize young college voters, to register and vote at the same time.
Voter registration information for Ohio, here.
Contact Information:
Ohio Secretary of State

Deadline for registering to vote is Friday, October 10, 2008.
Voter registration form, here. Request form, here.
Absentee ballot information, downloads here.
Early voting is allowed in Oklahoma at the County Election Board office, from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. County addresses and phone numbers, here.
Information to vote in Oklahoma, here.
Contact Information:
Oklahoma State Election Board

Deadline for registering to vote is Tuesday, October 14, 2008.
Voter registration form, here.
Voter requirements for Oregon, here.
Oregon is a mail only state.
Contact Information:
Oregon Secretary of State, Elections Division

(503) 986-1518
Deadline for registering to vote is Monday, October 6, 2008.
Voter registration form, here. In Spanish, here. Information on voting in Pennsylvania, here.
Absentee ballot request form, here. This form must be submitted to your county. County addresses and phone numbers, click on the voter registration form link above.
Other requests, including emergency absentee ballot requests, here.
Contact Information:
Bureau of Commissions, Elections & Legislation

Rhode Island
Deadline for registering to vote is Saturday, October 4, 2008.
Rhode Island voter registration form, here. In Spanish, here. Information on voting in Rhode Island, here.
Vote by Mail is for registered voters only. All information is here.
Contact Information:
Rhode Island Board of Elections

South Carolina
Deadline for registering to vote is Saturday, October 4, 2008.
Voter registration form, here. Mail your form to the county board, information here. Information for voting in South Carolina, here.
Students may register to vote where they reside while attending college.
Students can use the following documents as proof of residency:
* a copy of a current, valid photo ID (driver's license, student ID, DMV-issued ID cards, etc.) * copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, or other government document that shows your name and address in the county
Many college students who live on campus receive their mail at a campus post office box. These students must register at the physical address of their dormitory. The student's P.O. Box can be provided for mailing and contact purposes.
Absentee ballot request is by phone, mail or in person. List of county offices, here.
You may vote early in South Carolina at your local election office by casting an absentee ballot.
Contact Information:
South Carolina State Election Commission

South Dakota
Deadline for registering to vote is Monday, October 20, 2008.
Voter registration form, here. Upon completion send to your county auditor, here.
On-line voter registration form, here. Click in the box and fill out the form. Click on the down arrows to select the right information for your field. Mail to the county auditor, link on this page.
Absentee ballot request, here. Mail to county auditor, here.
Information for voting in South Dakota, here.
You may vote early in person at the local county office, by using an absentee ballot, information to call is below.
Contact Information:
South Dakota Secretary of State

(605) 773-3537
Deadline for registering to vote is Monday, October 6, 2008.
Voter registration application is here. Mail the completed application or take in person to your county election office, here.
Persons can also register to vote at the following locations:
County Clerk’s Offices
County Election Commission Office
Department of Health (WIC program),
Department of Human Services,
Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation,
Department of Safety (motor vehicles division)
Department of Veteran’s Affairs
Public Libraries
Register of Deeds Offices
Voting by Mail or Absentee Voting, to qualify read here. If you qualify, request by writing to the voter's local county election commission office. The request can be mailed or faxed to the county election commission office. For further information, contact your county election commission office.
Early voting is allowed in Tennessee. Any registered voter can early vote. Early voting begins 20 days before the election and ends 5 days before the election. A voter may vote on any Saturday during this time frame. Persons may vote at the county election commission office or any designated satellite voting location. Contact your county election commission office for locations and times.
Contact Information:
Tennessee Department of State

(615) 741-7956
Deadline for registering to vote is Monday, October 6, 2008.
Texas On-Line voter registration form, here. Sign, print out the form and mail it to the county voter registrar. The County Voter Registrar's address can be found at the top of the online outputted voter registration application once you have submitted your information from the fill-in-the blanks screen.
Check to see if you are already registered to vote in Texas, here.
List of county voter registration offices, here.
Early voting in Texas
Early voting in person may be easier than you think. You don't have to stand in long lines on Election Day. Registered voters may vote early at a location convenient to them within their political subdivision. Early voting in person generally starts 17 days before each election and ends 4 days before each election. Early voting for the May uniform election date begins 12 days before the election and ends on the 4th day before the election. If you can drive or if you have a friend or relative who can drive you, you don't even have to get out of the car. Call ahead to notify the early voting clerk that you want to vote from your car. This procedure is called "curbside voting" and is available to any voter who has difficulty walking or standing for long periods. The election official will bring your ballot to your car outside the polling place. Curbside voting is available during early voting and on Election Day. State and Federal law requires all early and Election Day polling locations to be physically accessible to voters with disabilities. Call your election official for information on your particular voting sites.
Vote early in person (you don't need to vote in your precinct, you can cast your ballot at any early voting site in your county which is convenient to YOU) or vote early by mail (this is done by requesting an application for a ballot to be mailed to you or downloading an application form). Voting early in person is convenient and, unlike early voting by mail, you don't need an excuse.
Early Voting dates are October 20-October 31, 2008. Contact your county registrar for voting locations.
To request an application ballot to be mailed to you (ABSENTEE), click here. Or request an application for a ballot (absentee) by mail, here.
Contact Information:
Texas Secretary of State
1.800.252.VOTE (8683)
Deadline for registering to vote is Monday, October 6, 2008, by mail. In person, Tuesday, October 28, 2008.
Voter registration form, here.
Apply for an absentee ballot, here.
Anyone can vote early in person at their local election office and any designated early voting sites in their county. Early voting is October 21-31st. Contact your county clerk for location information, here.
Check if you are already registered to vote, here.
Contact Information:
State of Utah Elections Office

Deadline for registering to vote is Wednesday, October 29, 2008.
Voter registration form in adobe (pdf) format to print off, here. In Microsoft Word format to print off the link is on this page.
Town Clerks information, here, or call 1-800-439-VOTE.
Early voting is absentee voting in Vermont. To request a form for an early/absentee ballot, click here. For a word document, click the link on the page, here. Early voting/absentee starts October 6, 2008.
Other information on early voting and requirements, here.
Contact Information:
Vermont Secretary of State
In State: 

(800) 439-8683
Out of State: 

(802) 828-2464
Deadline for registering to vote is Monday, October 6, 2008. Deadline for Absentee ballot by mail is Tuesday, October 28, 2008. Last day for in-person absentee voting is Saturday, November 1, 2008.
Virginia voter application registration form, here. In Spanish, here. Absentee ballot application form, here. And your
Contact Information:
Virginia State Board of Elections

800 552-9745
Deadline for registering to vote is Saturday, October 4, 2008. Or Monday, October 20, 2008 in person.
On-Line voter registration application, here. Printable voter registration forms in English, Chinese, Spanish, Cambodian, Korean, Laotian, Russian, Vietnamese, here on the right hand side of the page
Voting by Mail
What are mail elections?
Mail elections are an alternative to polling place voting. Prior to each election a ballot is automatically mailed to every eligible registered voter to the address on record.
Why are elections conducted by mail?
Many Washington State voters had already requested to receive permanent absentee ballots at each election rather than go to an assigned polling place to vote on Election Day. In many counties, because of the low turnout at the polls on Election Day, it is not cost effective to continue to conduct poll site elections. Many voters enjoy the extra time to review the ballot before casting a vote that comes with voting by mail.
Which counties vote by mail?
37 of Washington's 39 counties vote by mail. King and Pierce Counties still maintain poll sites, but King County plans to switch to vote by mail elections in 2009.
As a registered voter, what do I have to do to vote by mail?
If you live in a county that conducts all elections by mail you will automatically receive a ballot. You will need to keep your residence and mailing addresses current with your County Auditor to ensure your ballot is mailed to the correct location.
If you live in a county that offers both absentee ballot voting and poll site voting, you'll need to request an absentee ballot from your County Auditor. You may choose to request an absentee ballot for a single election or to receive absentee ballots permanently.
When are the ballots mailed to the voters?
Washington State law requires ballots be mailed to voters at least 18 days prior to an election.
More information on Vote by Mail, here.
County Auditors/Elections Departments, here.
Contact Information:
Washington Secretary of State

(800) 448-4881
Washington, D.C.
Deadline for registering to vote is Monday, October 6, 2008.
On-Line voter registration, here.
Request an absentee ballot, here. In person absentee voting begins October 15, 2008 and ends November 3, 2008.
Additional information on voting in the District, here.
Contact Information:
District of Columbia Board of Elections & Ethics
1-866-DC-VOTES or 

(202) 727-2525
West Virginia
Deadline for registering to vote is Wednesday, October 15, 2008.
Voter registration form, here. Sign and mail your form to your clerk of the county commission office, list of counties here.
Absentee voting and early voting in person.
Early voting is casting a ballot at your county office for any registered voter, list and times here. Dates are October 15-November 1st.
Absentee ballot by mail dates are August 12-October 29th. Last day to hand-deliver absentee ballot by mail is November 3, 2008. Request an absentee ballot by phone, fax, email or application here.
Contact Information:
West Virginia Secretary of State
(866) SOS-VOTE
Deadline for registering to vote is Wednesday, October 15, 2008. Or register to vote on election day at your polling place.
On-line form, here. Click on the space, fill in the information and print it out to mail. Click here, for a printable form to fill out by hand. Mail to your county clerks office, list is here.
To register to vote on election, you must comply to the following:
If you wish to register to vote at your polling place, you must bring proof that you have lived at your present location for at least 10 days preceding the election. For purposes of voter registration, acceptable forms of proof of residence must include:
- A current and complete name, including both the given and family name; and
- A current and complete residential address, including a numbered street address, if any, and the name of a municipality.
Additional information and instruction, here.
Apply for an absentee ballot, here.
Contact Information:
Elections Division

No deadline. Voters can register at the polls with proper I.D.
Voter registration form, here. Sign, send copy of identification, and mail to here.
More information on voting in Wyoming, here.
Contact Information:
Wyoming Secretary of State

(307) 777-7378
Original here