FROM CNN’s Jack Cafferty:
Governor Sarah Palin is being investigated by lawmakers in her home state of Alaska. At issue: Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan and whether he was fired because he refused to pink slip a state trooper who divorced Palin’s sister.
But Palin is refusing to cooperate with the investigation. Shades of President Bush. Embarrassing investigation? Just refuse to cooperate and claim it’s all someone else’s fault.
Palin says the probe’s been hijacked by the Obama campaign for political gain. But Monegan was fired and the investigation begun long before Palin was named to the Republican ticket.
The Obama campaign denies the accusation.
McCain’s people say Palin will not cooperate with the investigation because it is “tainted.” They insist Monegan was fired because of insubordination.
Palin has not been subpoenaed, but last Friday Alaska lawmakers voted to subpoena her husband, several aides and telephone records. This kind of stuff may also explain why Sarah Palin is reluctant to do interviews or news conferences.
Here’s my question to you: What does it mean that Gov. Sarah Palin is refusing to cooperate with the investigation into the firing of her public safety commissioner?
Interested to know which ones made it on air?
Marie from Minnesota writes:
This woman is ridiculous. She won’t answer questions from the media. She won’t answer questions from voters and she won’t answer questions related to this investigation. It is so obvious that this woman is not prepared at all to be V.P. At some point the American public deserves to have their questions answered.
Eileen writes:
Well what else can it mean? Her handlers know she has something to hide, so let’s all blame the Democrats. So what if the facts are that the Republicans are the majority who opened the investigation?
Bruce from St. Paul, Minnesota writes:
For the same reason Rove, Cheney, and anyone remotely connected to them will not honor congressional subpoenas. The same reason Nixon would not cooperate with the Watergate investigators. The same reason Bush would not produce, and in fact destroyed his Air National Guard records. Laws are for suckers like us.
Sasha writes:
Palin failing to cooperate with the investigation, along with the McCain campaign not letting her do any more interviews or press conferences on her own, says there are some question marks about her and her situation. Where did the “straight talk express” go on the McCain-Palin campaign?
Pablo from Charles from Town, WV writes:
It means they need more time to put lipstick on the pig, bulldog or whatever animal they are trying to disguise before the American people can see it for what it really is. My guess is it is a weasel.
Debra writes:
It means she is better prepared to be vice-president than any of us thought. Following in the footsteps of our current V.P., she has been taught the values of “executive privilege” and is apparently a quick learner.
Filed under: Sarah Palin
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