Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Why the Plagiarism card is a bad one for Hillary

Sometimes I have to wonder if Howard Wolfson is actually an undercover Obama supporter. Because the things he chooses to fight for are constantly re-affirming the widely held belief that Hillary is petty and negative.

Take this 'plagiarism-gate' for example. The Clinton campaign attacks Obama for borrowing from Patrick's speech. Of course they know internally that this is done all the time in politics. It's somewhat akin to making a pop song- there are only so many melodies that sound pleasing, and after that it's kind of all re-hash. So somebody at the Clinton camp thought they could get some headlines out there about Obama not really being the master orator that the world believes he is. So stupid.

By focusing on Obama's speech, the Clinton campaign just gave Obama millions of views of free advertising. It was a key point of Obama's that he was making in the clip- that words are inspirational, motivating, and in fact can bring about change. As I read a transcript of the Clinton confernece call about this subject in disbelief, I was struck not as much by the fact that Obama used Deval Patrick's words, but that Clinton would now pretend that words do matter. Well, you can't have it both ways.

Either words DO matter, regardless of who says them, and they can bring about change... or they don't do much to bring about actual change, as she originally stated. But with this mismanaged political stunt the Clinton camp reaffirmed Obama's point that words do matter. And people will walk away with the words he was saying, not where he got the words from.

This points out a central problem that has existed during this whole campaign for Hillary. Her people do not understand what it is that people don't like about her. And they don't understand what it is that people do like about Obama.

Obama came out quickly and said, basically, 'yeah, I probably should have given Deval the credit, but it's no big deal. Oh and by the way, Hillary uses my words too.' So, the story is dismissed instantly by Obama as petty, the tables are turned, and he comes out remaining above the fray.

For fun, check out Hillary's blatant plagiarism of Obama before the Iowa caucus: Clinton Plagiarises Obama

And on a personal note, give me inspirational borrowed rhetoric before uninspired originality any day of the week.

Original here

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