Saturday, March 21, 2009

Stewart to Cheney: Drink a cup of 'Shut the f**k up'

David Edwards and Rachel Oswald

TwitThis Still overcome with incredulity over former Vice President Dick Cheney’s interview on Sunday with CNN, The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart couldn’t resist Tuesday night taking a couple of shots at some of the eye-brow raising statements made.

In his interview with CNN’s John King, Cheney said of President Obama’s national security policies, “He’s making some choices that in my mind, will in fact, raise the risk to the American people of another attack.”

Noting that Cheney no longer can truly know what he is talking about as he no longer receives daily intelligence briefings, Stewart indignantly said, “Maybe I could interest you in a hot cup of shut the f**k up.”

“The guy’s vice president for eight years, you barely see a whiff of him. He lives in some subterranean lair, literally has his house removed from Google Earth,” Stewart said. “Then when he’s no longer accountable to the American people he’s popping up everywhere. I can’t get him off my TV. He’s like the Mario Lopez of doom now.”

Stewart also objected to Cheney’s attempts in the interview to cast aside criticism of the enormous deficits the Bush administration left after coming into office eight years earlier with a comfortable surplus.

“I don’t think you can blame the Bush administration for the creation of those [poor economic] circumstances,” Cheney said, later adding “Eight months after we arrived, we had 9/11…We ended up with two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq…things like Katrina, all of these things required us to spend money that we had not originally planned to spend or weren’t originally part of the budget. Stuff happens.”

To which an outraged Stewart returned with “Stuff happens! No, no, I left a Chapstick in my pants and it went through the wash. That’s stuff happens… Two wars, a mismanaged economy and a botched national disaster rescue effort. Can a brother get a ‘my bad.’”

Stewart is not alone in reacting with derision to the Cheney interview. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs on Monday said, “I think not taking economic advice from Dick Cheney would be maybe the best possible outcome of yesterday’s interview.”

This video is from Comedy Central's The Daily Show, broadcast Mar. 17, 2009.

Original here

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