Thursday, August 7, 2008

Baghdad Reporter Posts Youtube Video-Updated w/New Video

I just watched this video at The Raw Story site. It is a video that needs to be made available to as many people as possible, because we will never see it on any traditional media outlet. (Notice the use of traditional media, kos, because I ain't no outsider, dammit.)

The walls that we are building in Iraq, and on our border with Mexico, are simply inhumane. Have we just quit trying to communicate and solve our problems with diplomacy? Have we asked the Iraqis' to do the same thing? Is building a wall the only solution this administration can come up?

This video certainly answers that last question.

Watch the video after the fold.

I find it very disconcerting that we are now building walls between Mexico and the United States of America. Who do these walls benefit? Who are they keeping out, and who are they keeping in?

We worked hard to tear down the wall between East and West Germany. The world celebrated when that wall came down.

Now we are building walls, again. One in the name of illegal immigration problem solving, and the other in the name of supposed peace. Both are lies.

Watch the video, post it on your blog, send it out in an email. Just please get it out there.

Baghdad, 5 years on (part 1): City of walls

Updated with Part 2 and Part 3 of Baghdad Reporters Youtube Videos.

Part 2: Baghdad, 5 years on (part 2): killing fields

And Part 3: Baghdad 5 years on (part 3): Iraq's lost generation

Many thanks to LaughingPlanet for posting these in the comments. And to pontechango and TexDem for helping me update the diary, too. You guys really are the best, all of you. pb

I am going to post this video because I think it says a lot about what we did, how we did it, and what the long term repercussions of our actions may well lead to. Specifically that Saddam Hussein may well be made into a hero, when he was a sadistic and cruel leader.

My husband always says that the way to win this war was/is with hearts and flowers, and I agree with him on that. We should have made their lives better than it was under Sadam, instead we blundered in ways that will take us a lifetime to correct. Here is the video:

Iraq five years on: Remembering Saddam

Thank you, BlackGriffen.

Original here

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