Thursday, June 26, 2008

McCain links wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to oil, gas prices

This appears to be a classic Kinsley Gaffe:

YouTube link

I noticed McCain's comments earlier today while watching video of his town hall yesterday in Fresno. A local woman asked him a question about gas prices, and McCain answered by making the case for his gas tax holiday. He then added this:

I also want to make sure that we will take concrete steps towards eliminating our dependence on foreign oil. And I am confident that uh, the, the conflicts that we are in in both Iraq and Afghanistan have also a bearing on that.

It's not entirely obvious to me what exactly he was trying to say, but however you slice it, this is the most explicit connection McCain has made between our current war policies in Iraq and Afghanistan and oil and gas prices.

Last month, McCain also connected war policies and oil, but his campaign dubiously argued he wasn't talking about current policies, but rather past and future policies. The media largely accepted this interpretation -- an interpretation that his latest comments should cause them to reevaluate, especially in light of the recent news that U.S. oil companies are now returning the country.

(I've also posted an extended video of his comments, including the entire question he was asked, and a transcript of his comments.)

H/T: Fresno Bee for the raw video.

Original here

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