In this morning's editions, three Pennsylvania newspapers formally endorsed Barack Obama — the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the Bucks County Courier-Times and the Patriot News. All three editorial boards cited Barack's unqiue ability to bring people back into the political process and move the country forward.
See the full list of over 100 newspapers that have endorsed Barack . . .
From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
On Tuesday, Pennsylvanians will have the unusual luxury of voting in a Democratic presidential primary that promises to be truly relevant. Like two opposing armies marching to a new Gettysburg, the forces of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton come to this latest battlefield symbolizing two views of America -- one of the past, one of the future. Pennsylvania Democrats need to rise to the historic moment.
... Sen. Obama has captured much of the nation's imagination for a reason. He offers real change, a vision of an America that can move past not only racial tensions but also the political partisanship that has so bedeviled it.
... Sen. Obama is every bit as prepared to answer the ring of the 3 a.m. phone as Sen. Clinton. Forget this idea that Sen. Obama is all inspiration and no substance. He has detailed positions on the major issues. When the occasion demands it, he can marshal eloquence in the service of making challenging arguments, which he did to great effect in his now-famous speech putting his pastor's remarks in the greater context of race relations in America.
Nor is he any sort of elitist. As he said yesterday in effectively refuting this ridiculous charge in a meeting with Post-Gazette editors, "my life's work has been to get everybody a fair shake."
Pennsylvania ... needs to take a strong look at the new face and the new hope in this race. Because political business-as-usual is more likely to bring the usual disappointment for the Democrats this fall, the Post-Gazette endorses the nomination of Barack Obama, who has brought an excitement and an electricity to American politics not seen since the days of John F. Kennedy.
From the Bucks County Courier Times:
We can't remember the last time a presidential election generated so much excitement. And by excitement we mean people who've been inspired to act, folks who've sat out past elections but have been driven to get involved this time.
... While the Courier Times Editorial Board usually sits out primary elections, we're motivated to get involved this year and offer an endorsement.
... Barack Obama inspires like no other candidate; indeed, like no other individual on the national stage. He has mobilized new voters and young people in general to get involved in the political process for the first time. And his themes of hope and change, which ring so authentic, have likewise invigorated many who otherwise might have sat out the election.
... Obama is intelligent, articulate and has demonstrated a strong ability to understand the issues. He's also shown character under fire. And he's run an incredibly savvy campaign for a first-time presidential candidate.
In fact, the professional way he's conducted his campaign and the deft organization he's put together, which has outmaneuvered Clinton, is impressive. We believe Obama would bring the same professionalism to the executive branch of government since he isn't tied into lobbyists and special interests.
Perhaps most importantly, Obama is more likely to get us out of Iraq since, unlike Clinton, he didn't vote for the war in the first place and has been a constant critic of the war. And, more so than Clinton, we believe he'd be successful in spearheading a diplomatic solution to the war by drawing friends and enemies into the discussions, something he has openly advocated. Finally, we believe Obama's gift for oratory would inspire unity in a nation that is now — and too often in the past has been — divided.
For these reasons we are inspired to endorse Barack Obama as the Democratic nominee for president.
From the Patriot News:
Obama has managed to transcend politics in a way that has attracted interest and enthusiasm from people across the political spectrum. And perhaps most impressive of all, he has won over young people and brought them into the discussion on a scale that may be unprecedented. It is amazing how many adults have said it was their kids who got them to take a deeper look at the Illinois senator.
That is a hopeful development. But it also is instructive. Young people are the future. And they see and sense something in Obama that coincides with their hopes and aspirations for themselves and for the kind of world they want to live in.
Running in 1992, presidential candidate Bill Clinton was fond of referring to himself as "the candidate from Hope," a reference to his hometown in Arkansas. In Obama, the Democrats have "the candidate of hope," and their best prospect of running a competitive and uplifting campaign against McCain this fall.
The Patriot-News editorial board endorses Sen. Barack Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination.
For Pennsylvanians, next Tuesday is your chance to seize this historic moment. But now matter where you live, you can join this incredible movement, and inspire other like yourself to do the same, by making a matched donation now:
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