Friday, March 7, 2008

Updated 2x - Why isn't MSM reporting the truth about NAFTA Clinton Involvement???

I would think that this is huge news - ie Canadian government and CATV publicly apologizing for the Obama NAFTA fabrication AND the fact that Clinton's camp was the first to discuss the NAFTA rhetoric with Canada. I've been searching through the news channels and online MSM newspapers - and I haven't found a single mention yet.

Am I taking crazy pills or is MSM and the Clintons burying this story? I would assume that Sen. Clinton essentially lying to the Ohio and Texas electorate would be a somewhat sizable news story, given this week’s results.

What's equally infuriating is the fact that the Clinton camp has brow-beaten the Media into carrying her water and failing to actually "vet" her. My guess is that Olberman will be the only one to mention this story. Sorry to vent, but the only thing that makes my blood boil more than hypocrisy like this is when that hypocrisy is intentionally buried and ignored. Got Orwell?

Unfortunately, many, many uneducated people will continue to believe that Obama actually had a role in this entire controversy - add that to the whisper campains and numerous other falsehoods. Oh well, time to get back to comparing Obama to Ken Starr, Karl Rove, Elmer Fudd, or whoever they think of next...

Here's the Clinton camp's rebuttal - I guess, based on their track record of truth, we should take them on their word (snark):
"Unlike the Obama campaign, we can and do flatly deny this report and urge the Canadian government to reveal the name of anyone they think they heard from. The Obama campaign has given a variety of misleading answers to the press and the public about its top economic adviser’s contacts with the Canadian government and should come clean about why they did so," writes campaign spokespman Phil Singer.


Thanks to cadjo4 for picking this up -

Report Questions Clinton NAFTA Position
By ROB GILLIES – 56 minutes ago

TORONTO (AP) — Prime Minister Stephen Harper's chief of staff said someone in Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign gave Canada back-channel assurances that her harsh words about the North American Free Trade Agreement were for political show, according to a report by the Canadian Press.

- Also on CNN ticker - buried below a few posts.

When will this be reported?

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