Saturday, March 8, 2008

Obama's TOUGH Mississippi radio ad

Obama began running a radio ad in Mississippi using Hillary's comments she used about Mississippi in October.

It is a very tough one but it is accurate.

As we know the Hillary campaign has said some derogatory things about Mississippi and Red states in general. As a result, in the ad former Governor Mabus explains why Obama is the better of the two Democratic candidates because he can unite the nation and win in November.

Here is the ad:

"You know, now that Hillary Clinton is campaigning here in Mississippi, she likes to say how important we are," Mabus says in the ad. "But just a few months ago when she was campaigning in Iowa, she told them she was shocked Iowa could be ranked with Mississippi on anything. And her campaign even called voters in states like Mississippi 'second class'.

"Obama will unite not divide", Mabus continues. "He'll take on special interest and not take their money. And he'll practice his Christian faith by respecting us."

Wow, this is one very tough ad.

Original here

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