Sunday, March 9, 2008

Consensus is building FAST ---> Train Hillary has jumped the tracks.

Hillary got such a bump from Ohio that even I took a second look at her: I said, "Man, that woman is a fighter."

Then she encouraged Americans to elect Republican McCain over our Democratic front runner. Her remark was carefully calculated, and she repeated it four times in four venues.

"I have a lifetime of experience that I will bring to the White House. I know Senator McCain has a lifetime of experience that he will bring to the White House. And Senator Obama has a speech he gave in 2002."
Here's video of all four repetitions so you can get the feel of this for yourself:

Many of her most ardent supporters are shocked, and momentarily paralyzed as the enormity of what their candidate has done sinks in. Her tone of disparagement, "...Obama has a speech...", by itself was enough to make the entire Democratic Party blanch. Did her "experience" teach her to behave this way? Certainly she has experience enough to have known that she was crossing the line.

Over the past two days many leading progressive commentators have moved off of the neutrality they've tried to maintain to date: Kieth Olberman, Arianna Huffington, Richard Wolf and Dana Millbank, Randi Rhodes, Ed Schultz, Rachael Maddow, Thom Hartmann, Stephanie Miller have all spoken out on this. Gary Hart wrote a article for the Huffington Post entitled "Breaking the Final Rule": Hart's piece was reposted on the very high-traffic DemocraticUnderground forum, a bastion of Clinton supporters, where it recieved more views, comments, and recommendations than any post I've ever seen there. It appears that Hillary has far fewer defenders than she did even just a few hours ago.

Hillary's catastrophic misstep here exemplifies Obama's argument that good judgment matters more than experience.

I know who I want to answer that 3am phone call.

Original here

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