FROM CNN’s Jack Cafferty:
There’s a growing chorus of voices starting to call for Hillary Clinton to give it up.
In a Newsweek column called “Hillary should get out now”, Jonathan Alter says if she wanted a graceful exit, now would be the time – before the Texas and Ohio primaries – to drop out and endorse Barack Obama. He says it would be the “best thing imaginable” for Clinton’s political career, meaning it would set her up perfectly for 2012 if Obama loses. Alter says Clinton doesn’t have a reasonable chance of winning the nomination, but he doesn’t think she’ll call it quits.
He writes: “The conventional view is that the Clintons approach power the way hard-core gun owners approach a weapon – they’ll give it up only when it’s wrenched from their cold, dead fingers.”
Meanwhile, in another tough piece, Robert Novak asks who will tell Hillary Clinton that it’s over, that she can’t win the nomination and the sooner she gets out of the way, the better the chances her party will beat John McCain in November.
Novak writes, quote: “Clinton’s burden is not only Obama’s charisma but also McCain’s resurrection. Some of the same Democrats who short months ago were heralding her as the “perfect” candidate now call her a sure loser against McCain, saying she would do the party a favor by just leaving.”
Here’s my question to you: Is it time for Hillary Clinton to admit defeat and quit the race?
Interested to know which ones made it on air?
Karen writes:
It doesn’t bother me that she would wait for Texas and Ohio. However, her mood swings have me question her mental state. How rude to “talk down” to another adult by saying “shame on you”… We need someone with dignity and a little class. Please, stop giving her a performance stage! It’s a bad act!
Vinnie from New York writes:
Jack, Let’s see how Hillary does in Texas and Ohio. If she can win by double digits in both states then it will give her campaign a new heart beat. Mr. Novak should write about something he understands, which is nothing.
J.C. from Raleigh, N.C. writes:
Jack, Why should Hillary drop out if she’s, as her campaign claims, raising $1 million a day? Think how many consultants, posh hotels, caterers, pizza shops, and Dunkin’ Donuts franchises can still make a bundle. Hillary’s
Lex from Stone Mountain, Georgia writes:
I saw Clinton giving a speech earlier, where she actually mimicked and mocked Obama like a 6th grader. She shows no signs of bowing out with grace.
David from San Bernardino, California writes:
No, Hillary needs to stay in the race to the very end! How would it look if the first real female presidential candidate just quit the race? Women would continue to be perceived as weak and not emotionally qualified to be president. Women are strong and smart and just as qualified as any man!
Jay writes:
The fat lady is singing. Can’t you hear her? For the good of the party, Hillary should step aside. Her campaign strategy only went as far as Super Tuesday because she assumed she would be the nominee. Sometimes things just don’t work out. Her time has come… and gone. For this cycle anyway.
Jim writes:
Absolutely. But she won’t quit until the writing on the wall is written with the Democratic Party’s blood.
Victoria writes:
Jack, You’re nuts. Heck no! I think you should drop out… of your job!
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