Thursday, January 24, 2008

Kucinich Causes Congressional Fuss Announcing Impeachment

Cleveland Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich caused a stink on the House of Representatives floor this morning during a speech where he announced he'll introduce articles of impeachment against President Bush on Monday, Jan. 28, the day Bush delivers his State of the Union speech.

"We already know the State of the Union," Kucinich says in his speech. "It's a lie."

Republicans objected to Kucinich's statements, and the Cleveland congressman returned to the floor a few minutes later to withdraw his "offending words."

Florida GOP Rep. Cliff Stearns called Kucinich's statements a "clear and egregious violation of House rules" but said he'd accept Kucinich's request to withdraw his remarks.

"Both sides here attempt to restore civility, calmness here with legitimate debate and not utter personal accusations," Stearns said.

UPDATE: In a statement issued to The Plain Dealer this afternoon, Stearns explained his objections to Kucinich's remarks:

"This morning, Rep. Kucinich used the House floor to launch a personal attack against President Bush and Vice President Cheney and accused them of lying to the American people. He also said that the House was 'living a lie.' His outburst was a violation of House rules and I asked that his remarks be taken down and the Speaker upheld my objection. Kucinich withdrew his remarks rather than have his words struck down, which would have forced him to leave the House floor for the day. After he decided to withdraw his remarks, I stated that I would not object " 'with the understanding that these egregious accusations are in violation of the House rules and his statements must stop for the civility of the House and
debate.' "

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