Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Foxnews, cnn, abc, msnbc, cnbc choosing the next president

Why won't the major news networks allow Edwards to compete? They constantly put out propaganda saying that this is the greatest nation in the world, we allow any citizen the right to compete. Why then, is the media refusing to allow John Edwards that right? All Americans are entitled to and need to know John's agenda, views and what he is fighting to do for us. The media obviously has no problem in their coverage of Clinton and Obama.

They appear to have left John Edwards out of the race and closed the barn doors on him. The way the media is treating John Edwards is counter productive for our democracy and all Americans. It's far from fair and balanced.

I have been emailing our major news networks and invite you all to PLEASE JOIN ME IN THIS EFFORT. I know that with all of us working together we will get the media's attention by flooding them with our emails of disdain and disgust.

Thank you so much for your help in this matter. I know John Edwards would thank you from the bottom of his heart.

(Please feel free to use this, just copy and paste.)

The lack of coverage of John Edwards is a disgrace to the American public. When I am lucky enough to catch a blurb about Edwards it's generally has been negative.

This lack of coverage also shows a lack of ability on your part to exhibit journalistic integrity.

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