Saturday, January 12, 2008

As Diebold Goes, So Goes the Nation?

Conspiracy theories surrounding Diebold, the company that makes electronic voting machines, are not a recent phenomenon. The 2004 Presidential election, some conspiracy theorists say, was greased in Ohio by calculated Diebold glitches, adding that the company was a conspicuous donor to the Bush campaign and would benefit from another four years of his presidency. Strong words, of course, and hard to prove.

Today, the blogosphere is certifiably hopping with claims that Sen. Hillary Clinton received a boost in "Diebold Districts," or voting centers that utilized the machines. Some are claiming fraud, while others are breaking out the stats to show a clear Diebold Advantage for Clinton.

Just remember what Mark Twain said. "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics."

B. Brandon Barker is the author of the novel Operation EMU.

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