Monday, October 13, 2008

FINAL SUNDAY UPDATE: 15 Papers Endorse Obama, None for McCain

Mcainobama200la080808 As some you know, E&P is famous for charting every editorial endorsement for president, gaining a good deal of attention in this matter in 2004 -- we accurately predicted the outcome in 14 of the 15 key battleground states based solely on the endorsements. So far this year Obama leads McCain 26-9 (it's early) and has already picked up at least three papers that endorsed Bush in 2004. We will have a new chart on Monday-- here is what we ran on Friday.

The latest: Today, Obama picked up nine key newspaper endorsements in swing states, earning the nod from, among others, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, The Blade of Toledo, the Dayton Daily News, Asheville Citizen-Times in North Carolina, and the Wisconsin State Journal (which backed Bush in 2004) in Madison. The St. Louis daily called McCain, "the incredible shrinking man" who had made a horrific pick for his running mate. Joining the Obama team in battleground states were the Muskegon (Mich.) Chronicle, the Lehigh Valley (Pa.) Express-Times and Springfield (Ohio) News. Six other major papers in an apparent non-swing state also backed Obama today: The Tennessean in Nashville and the San Bernardino Sun (which had backed Bush over Kerry), Contra Costa Times, The Herald of Monterrey, Sacramento Bee and Fresno Bee in California. For quotes and more go to our site.

Original here

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