Friday, February 15, 2008

Exodus of Clinton’s Superdelegates Not About Black and White

The talk of politics this afternoon is an AP story reporting that some Democratic National Convention “superdelegates” that had been supporting Clinton are moving into the “undecided” category or now supporting Obama.

It’s a great story, so why does the AP’s David Espo have to screw it up by trying - inaccurately - to make it about race?

Two of the superdelegates cited by the AP are US Representatives from Georgia - David Scott, who has defected to Obama and civil rights pioneer John Lewis, who is talking about the possibility of doing the same - and the story, titled “Black Lawmakers Rethink Clinton Support,” notes that they’re members of the Congressional Black Caucus.

But the story cites other superdelegates from other parts of the country that AP reports have also defected:

Two other superdelegates, Sophie Masloff of Pennsylvania and Nancy Larson of Minnesota, are uncommitted, having dropped their earlier endorsements of Clinton.

Let me introduce you to Masloff, who turned 90 last month, who was a delegate at the last two Democratic National Conventions and is the former mayor of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:


And Nancy Larson, former Democratic candidate for Lieutenant Governor and State Auditor, is from Minnesota:


So what gives with the AP headline?

Original here

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